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Meaning of esteems

- To set a value on; to appreciate the worth of; to estimate; to value; to reckon.
- To set a high value on; to prize; to regard with reverence, respect, or friendship.
- To form an estimate; to have regard to the value; to consider.
- Estimation; opinion of merit or value; hence, valuation; reckoning; price.
- High estimation or value; great regard; favorable opinion, founded on supposed worth.

Crossword clue for esteems

- Admiration
- Admiration called for the S team
- Admiration, respect
- Admire
- Celeste emerges, held in high regard
- High regard
- Pride – dig it in New York!
- Regard highly
- Respect
- Respect and admiration
- Respect highly
- Respect or regard
- Self-respect
- Admires
- Highly regards Smee, set to be transformed
- Holds in high regard