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Meaning of erasers

- One who, or that which, erases; esp., a sharp instrument or a piece of rubber used to erase writings, drawings, etc.

Crossword clue for erasers

- A means to reform bad characters?
- A rubber
- It is ages before queen finds stationery item
- It rubs out majority of Vera’s errors
- It will get rid of unwanted letters
- Pencil remover
- Pencil rubber
- Pencil rubbers are put back before queen goes on board
- Rubber
- Rubs out
- Makes mistake about sea characters finding pencil rubbers
- Pencil rubbers
- Pencil rubbers are put back before queen goes on board
- Pencil-mark removers
- Rubbers
- Rubbers identified for noisy electronic shavers
- They remove notes on school board
- They rub out a queen, a head of state, another queen, then another head of state!