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Meaning of emanates

- To issue forth from a source; to flow out from more or less constantly; as, fragrance emanates from flowers.
- To proceed from, as a source or fountain; to take origin; to arise, to originate.
- Issuing forth; emanant.

Crossword clue for emanates

- Arise
- Arise (from)
- Come forth
- Come from
- Come from some gentleman at embassy
- Come out, men! Eat a variety!
- Flow out
- Flow out (from)
- Flowed out from a source
- Issue (from)
- Issue covered by the man at Empress
- Issue forth
- Issue or spread out from a source
- Order manatee to come forth
- Originate
- Proceed (from)
- Proceed from source
- Spring (from)
- The last man swallowed spring
- Comes forth
- Issues (from)
- Originates (from)
- Springs (from)