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Meaning of elopes

- To run away, or escape privately, from the place or station to which one is bound by duty; -- said especially of a woman or a man, either married or unmarried, who runs away with a paramour or a sweetheart.

Crossword clue for elopes

- Abscond to marry
- Abscond with a lover
- Abscond with lover
- Alternately, tell couple to run away and marry
- Flee to the altar
- Flee to wed
- Flee with lover
- Go with a lover
- Lope from the east as you would to Gretna
- Ran off with lover
- Run away
- Run away to get married
- Run away to marry
- Run away to wed
- Run Away To Wed In Secret
- Run off to marry
- Run off to wed
- Secretly join a union
- Runs away to marry
- Runs away to wed
- Runs away with lover