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Meaning of eels

- An elongated fish of many genera and species. The common eels of Europe and America belong to the genus Anguilla. The electrical eel is a species of Gymnotus. The so called vinegar eel is a minute nematode worm. See Conger eel, Electric eel, and Gymnotus.

Crossword clue for eels

- Alternately, reveal mature elver
- An elongated fish
- Cloth measure
- Conger
- Conger fish
- Conger or moray
- Conger or moray fish
- Electric fish
- Even cereal can be pickled in jelly
- Even cereal contains lanky fish
- Evenly remove every other fish
- Final message ... the Spanish conger
- Fish
- Fish drops right off the reel
- Fish found in the elevator
- Fish type
- Fish with a shocking reputation?
- Fish, electric ...
- It is slippery in heels
- Lee returns slippery fish
- Lee went back to fish
- Long fish
- Moray ...
- Reel in headless fish
- Reveal every other slippery customer
- Seafood treat, jellied ...
- Slippery catch
- Slippery fish
- Smoked or jellied fish
- Snake-like fish
- Snakelike fish
- there are 800 species of this fish
- Three-legged creature appearing inside
- Three-legged creature captured
- Type of fish
- Conger fish
- Congers
- Congers or morays
- Electric fish
- Elongated fish
- Elongated fishes
- Fish, electric ...
- Golfer Ernie followed, bearing morays
- Lee’s cooking morays
- Long fish
- Long thin fish
- Long thin fishes
- Needless to send out for fish
- Parramatta NRL team
- Slippery creatures sleep endlessly upside down
- Slippery fish
- slippery fishes
- Snake like fish
- Snake-like fish
- Snakelike fish
- Snakelike fishes
- Type of fish