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Meaning of edits

- To superintend the publication of; to revise and prepare for publication; to select, correct, arrange, etc., the matter of, for publication; as, to edit a newspaper.

Crossword clue for edits

- Alter (text)
- Alter or improve wording
- Amend
- Arrange for publication
- Change text
- Check copy
- Check for publication, etc.
- Correct (text)
- Cut film when tide turns
- In correct order
- Prepare article about diet
- Prepare for publication
- Prepare for publishing
- Prepare text for publication
- Prepare to print
- Remove mistakes from
- Revise
- Revise (manuscript)
- Revise and correct
- Revise when the tide turns
- Reword
- Rework
- To correct
- Alters (text)
- Changes
- Checks for publication, etc.
- Corrects
- Polishes text
- Prepares (newspaper)
- Prepares for publication
- Reviews publication on tides at sea
- Revises
- Revises and corrects
- Revises contents of Kidnapped, it seems
- Rewords
- Rewords (text)
- Reworks
- Rewrites