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Meaning of dues

- Owed, as a debt; that ought to be paid or done to or for another; payable; owing and demandable.
- Justly claimed as a right or property; proper; suitable; becoming; appropriate; fit.
- Such as (a thing) ought to be; fulfilling obligation; proper; lawful; regular; appointed; sufficient; exact; as, due process of law; due service; in due time.
- Appointed or required to arrive at a given time; as, the steamer was due yesterday.
- Owing; ascribable, as to a cause.
- Directly; exactly; as, a due east course.
- That which is owed; debt; that which one contracts to pay, or do, to or for another; that which belongs or may be claimed as a right; whatever custom, law, or morality requires to be done; a fee; a toll.
- Right; just title or claim.
- To endue.

Crossword clue for dues

- because of to
- because of, ... to
- Dew said to be expected
- Earliest date uncle expected
- Expected
- Expected to arrive
- Expected to hear about morning vapour
- Expected to mention dew
- Half the fondue scheduled to arrive now
- I hear dew is expected to arrive
- Immediately payable
- In the direction of
- Outstanding
- Outstanding (payment)
- Outstanding duel seemed never-ending
- Owed
- Owing
- Payable
- Payable immediately
- Rightful
- Scheduled to arrive
- Well-earned (praise)
- Well-earned (recognition)
- After start of day, Sue works out what is owed
- Club fees
- Fees
- Membership fees
- Payments owed
- Payments owing for outside duties
- Subscription
- Subscription payment