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Meaning of differences

- The act of differing; the state or measure of being different or unlike; distinction; dissimilarity; unlikeness; variation; as, a difference of quality in paper; a difference in degrees of heat, or of light; what is the difference between the innocent and the guilty?
- Disagreement in opinion; dissension; controversy; quarrel; hence, cause of dissension; matter in controversy.
- That by which one thing differs from another; that which distinguishes or causes to differ; mark of distinction; characteristic quality; specific attribute.
- Choice; preference.
- An addition to a coat of arms to distinguish the bearings of two persons, which would otherwise be the same. See Augmentation, and Marks of cadency, under Cadency.
- The quality or attribute which is added to those of the genus to constitute a species; a differentia.
- The quantity by which one quantity differs from another, or the remainder left after subtracting the one from the other.
- To cause to differ; to make different; to mark as different; to distinguish.

Crossword clue for differences

- Change creates argument
- Disparity
- State of being unlike
- Variation
- Arguments about variations
- Contrasts
- Disagreements
- Disparities
- Distinguishing features of arguments
- Misunderstandings