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Meaning of defers

- To put off; to postpone to a future time; to delay the execution of; to delay; to withhold.
- To put off; to delay to act; to wait.
- To render or offer.
- To lay before; to submit in a respectful manner; to refer; -- with to.
- To yield deference to the wishes of another; to submit to the opinion of another, or to authority; -- with to.

Crossword clue for defers

- Adjourn
- Adjourn to a future date
- Dr Fee mad to delay
- Give in
- Give way to
- Hold over
- Postpone
- Put off
- Put off defender when the end is no longer in sight
- Put off to a later time
- Put off toa later time
- Put off until later
- Put on the backburner
- Shelve
- Yield (to)
- Fed up with queen’s delays
- Postpones