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Meaning of dear

- Bearing a high price; high-priced; costly; expensive.
- Marked by scarcity or dearth, and exorbitance of price; as, a dear year.
- Highly valued; greatly beloved; cherished; precious.
- Hence, close to the heart; heartfelt; present in mind; engaging the attention.
- Of agreeable things and interests.
- Of disagreeable things and antipathies.
- A dear one; lover; sweetheart.
- Dearly; at a high price.
- To endear.

Crossword clue for dear

- Belgrade architect embraces sweetheart
- Beloved
- Costly
- Costly dare went bad
- Dare to be different, darling!
- Darling
- Expensive
- Expensive sweetheart?
- High in price
- High-priced
- Highly priced
- Lamb
- Loved one
- Not cheap
- Precious 500 are on the loose
- Precious letter opener