Word Meaning

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Meaning of czechs

- One of the Czechs.
- The language of the Czechs (often called Bohemian), the harshest and richest of the Slavic languages.
- The most westerly branch of the great Slavic family of nations, numbering now more than 6,000,000, and found principally in Bohemia and Moravia. D () The fourth letter of the English alphabet, and a vocal consonant. The English letter is from Latin, which is from Greek, which took it from Ph/nician, the probable ultimate origin being Egyptian. It is related most nearly to t and th; as, Eng. deep, G. tief; Eng. daughter, G. tochter, Gr. qyga`thr, Skr. duhitr. See Guide to Pronunciation, Ã178, 179, 229.

Crossword clue for czechs

- Check hearing of Bohemian
- Check what you hear of Prague native
- From Prague
- Prague language
- Prague native
- Report investigation of Prague citizen
- Slavic language
- Western Slav
- Cheques read out by Prague natives