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Meaning of clods

- A lump or mass, especially of earth, turf, or clay.
- The ground; the earth; a spot of earth or turf.
- That which is earthy and of little relative value, as the body of man in comparison with the soul.
- A dull, gross, stupid fellow; a dolt
- A part of the shoulder of a beef creature, or of the neck piece near the shoulder. See Illust. of Beef.
- To collect into clods, or into a thick mass; to coagulate; to clot; as, clodded gore. See Clot.
- To pelt with clods.
- To throw violently; to hurl.

Crossword clue for clods

- Clothed without the lump of earth
- Concreted mass
- dork
- Lump
- Lump of earth
- Lump of earth or clay
- Lump of mud
- Lump of turf
- soft thick mass
- Uncultured people