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Meaning of chestnuts

- The edible nut of a forest tree (Castanea vesca) of Europe and America. Commonly two or more of the nuts grow in a prickly bur.
- The tree itself, or its light, coarse-grained timber, used for ornamental work, furniture, etc.
- A bright brown color, like that of the nut.
- The horse chestnut (often so used in England).
- One of the round, or oval, horny plates on the inner sides of the legs of the horse, and allied animals.
- An old joke or story.
- Of the color of a chestnut; of a reddish brown color; as, chestnut curls.

Crossword clue for chestnuts

- Acorn-like treat
- Hard, brown, glossy edible nut which may be roasted
- Horse shade is an old joke
- Reddish brown
- Reddish-brown to brown colour
- Stale jokes