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Meaning of cements

- Any substance used for making bodies adhere to each other, as mortar, glue, etc.
- A kind of calcined limestone, or a calcined mixture of clay and lime, for making mortar which will harden under water.
- The powder used in cementation. See Cementation, n., 2.
- Bond of union; that which unites firmly, as persons in friendship, or men in society.
- The layer of bone investing the root and neck of a tooth; -- called also cementum.
- To unite or cause to adhere by means of a cement.
- To unite firmly or closely.
- To overlay or coat with cement; as, to cement a cellar bottom.
- To become cemented or firmly united; to cohere.

Crossword clue for cements

- Bind together
- Concrete ingredient
- Consolidate (friendship)
- Fine mortar
- Glue, adhesive
- Join firmly together
- Join together
- tooth restoration material
- Fixes in place