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Meaning of careful

- Full of care; anxious; solicitous.
- Filling with care or solicitude; exposing to concern, anxiety, or trouble; painful.
- Taking care; giving good heed; watchful; cautious; provident; not indifferent, heedless, or reckless; -- often followed by of, for, or the infinitive; as, careful of money; careful to do right.

Crossword clue for careful

- Caution! First cups are nearly full
- Cautious
- Cautious vehicle takes only reprocessed fuel
- Circumspect
- Looking for
- Measured
- Niggard
- Painstaking
- Painstaking, scrupulous
- Penny-pinching
- Scrupulous
- Thrifty
- Wary
- Watch out for spilt car fuel