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Meaning of benefits

- An act of kindness; a favor conferred.
- Whatever promotes prosperity and personal happiness, or adds value to property; advantage; profit.
- A theatrical performance, a concert, or the like, the proceeds of which do not go to the lessee of the theater or to the company, but to some individual actor, or to some charitable use.
- Beneficence; liberality.
- Natural advantages; endowments; accomplishments.
- To be beneficial to; to do good to; to advantage; to advance in health or prosperity; to be useful to; to profit.
- To gain advantage; to make improvement; to profit; as, he will benefit by the change.

Crossword clue for benefits

- A help
- Advantage
- Avail
- Bonus
- Charity event
- Fruit
- Government allowance
- Welfare payment
- Advantages