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Meaning of ayes

- Alt. of Ay
- An affirmative vote; one who votes in the affirmative; as, "To call for the ayes and noes;" "The ayes have it."
- Alt. of Ay

Crossword clue for ayes

- Affirmative vote
- Delayed inclusion of positive vote
- Even lazy me? Yes!
- I soundly gave agreement
- Madagascan lemur
- Nautical yes
- Popeye's yes
- Popeye’s yes
- Positive vote
- Sailor’s yes
- Say everything, including “Yes!”
- Scottish yes
- Supporting vote
- Vote for yes
- What sailors reply when agreeing with only half of what the captain says?
- Yes
- Yes, I heard
- ... and nays
- Affirmative votes
- One positive response or many
- Seafarers approvals
- Sounds like eyes get positive votes
- Yes votes
- Yeses