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Meaning of amuses

- To occupy or engage the attention of; to lose in deep thought; to absorb; also, to distract; to bewilder.
- To entertain or occupy in a pleasant manner; to stir with pleasing or mirthful emotions; to divert.
- To keep in expectation; to beguile; to delude.
- To muse; to mediate.

Crossword clue for amuses

- Cause laughter
- Delight
- Divert
- Entertain
- Entertain a mouse without love
- Entertain a thought
- Entertain an inspiration
- Entertain an inspiration of the arts
- Provide entertainment for morning function
- Regale
- Tickle
- Tickle fancy of
- Tickle the fancy of
- Entertains
- Provides entertainment for morning functions
- Regales
- Tickles