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Meaning of academy

- A garden or grove near Athens (so named from the hero Academus), where Plato and his followers held their philosophical conferences; hence, the school of philosophy of which Plato was head.
- An institution for the study of higher learning; a college or a university. Popularly, a school, or seminary of learning, holding a rank between a college and a common school.
- A place of training; a school.
- A society of learned men united for the advancement of the arts and sciences, and literature, or some particular art or science; as, the French Academy; the American Academy of Arts and Sciences; academies of literature and philology.
- A school or place of training in which some special art is taught; as, the military academy at West Point; a riding academy; the Academy of Music.

Crossword clue for academy

- Award giver
- boarding school
- Day came to build college
- Educational establishment
- Music college
- Music school
- Oscar, ... Award
- Oscars
- Place of learning
- Police college
- Scholarly
- Specialist college
- Specialist school day came adrift
- The world of scholars
- Training institute
- What kind of award is suitable for a cad who beheads the enemy