Red wood |
The red-bellied wood pecker (Melanerpes Carolinus). |
Red wood used by Crocodile Dundee star in May |
The red wood of a kind of buckthorn, used in Russia for
dyeing leather (Rhamnus Dahuricus). |
The Arabian name of two trees of the genus Balsamodendron,
which yield a gum resin and a red aromatic wood. |
A New Zealand forest tree (Metrosideros robusta), also, its
hard dark red wood, used by the Maoris for paddles and war clubs. |
A handsome tropical American wood, much used for making
flutes and other wind instruments; -- called also Grenada cocos, or
cocus, and red ebony. |
A leguminous tree (Eperua falcata) of Demerara, with
pinnate leaves and clusters of red flowers. The reddish brown wood is
used for palings and shingles. |
An Australian tree (Casuarina), and its red wood, used
for cabinetwork; also, the trees Stenocarpus salignus of New South
Wales, and Banksia compar of Queensland. |
A hard, heavy, and durable wood, which admits of a fine
polish or gloss. The usual color is black, but it also occurs red or
green. |
A genus of rubiaceous trees and shrubs, mostly East
Indian, many species of which yield valuable red and yellow dyes. The
wood is hard and beautiful, and used for gunstocks. |
A piece of cane or red with a knot at each end, or a hollow
cylinder of wood with a ridge at each end, used to wind thread or yarn
upon. |
A red wood of a leguminous tree (Baphia nitida), from
Angola and the Gaboon in Africa. It is used as a dyewood, and also for
ramrods, violin bows and turner's work. |
A substance contained in both Brazil wood and Sapan wood,
from which it is extracted as a yellow crystalline substance which is
white when pure. It is colored intensely red by alkalies. |
family, having brilliant, glossy foliage and acid red berries. The wood
is crossgrained and very difficult to split. Called also black gu... |
...d, which
affords a valuable timber; -- called also Scotch pine, and red / yellow
deal. It grows in all parts of Europe, in the Caucasus, and in ... |
The wood of the yew. It is light red in color, compact,
fine-grained, and very elastic. It is preferred to all other kinds of
wood for bows and... |
A valuable cabinet wood of a dark red color, streaked and
variegated with black, obtained from several tropical leguminous trees
of the genera ... |
The heartwood of a tree (Haematoxylon Campechianum), a
native of South America, It is a red, heavy wood, containing a
crystalline substance cal... |
...f wood moistened with hydrochloric acid a
deep red. ... |