Rating | Solver | Clue |
ATTAINED | Acquired | |
BOUGHT | Acquired | |
GOT | Acquired | |
ACQUISITE | Acquired. | |
ACQUISITIVE | Acquired. | |
LEARNT | Acquired (skill) | |
STEPMOTHER | Acquired parent | |
STEPSISTER | Acquired sibling | |
SONSINLAW | Acquired family members | |
ONAPLATE | Acquired without trouble | |
STEPSONS | Acquired male offspring | |
UNGOTTEN | Not gotten; not acquired. | |
ACQUIRABLE | Capable of being acquired. | |
OBSERVATION | The information so acquired. | |
ADVENTITIOUS | Acquired, as diseases; accidental. | |
LEARNED | Acquired knowledge from an elder | |
TIBET | Himalayan country acquired by China | |
QUALITY | An acquired trait; accomplishment; acquisition. | |
PLEASED | Delighted to have quietly acquired tenancy | |
HABITUAL | Formed or acquired by habit or use. | |
PRACTICE | Skill or dexterity acquired by use; expertness. | |
UNSTUDIED | Not studied; not acquired by study; unlabored; natural. | |
UNSKILLED | Sullen kid in trouble for having no acquired expertise | |
ACQUEST | Property acquired by purchase, gift, or otherwise than by inheritance. | |
ACQUIREMENT | The act of acquiring, or that which is acquired; attainment. |